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what a night
Friday December 11th 2009, 8:55 pm  Tagged
Filed under: Uncategorized

what a night. I was letting Bailey,my beagle in when i noticed him limping when he tried to get up on the couch with me(his favorite spot), he started wailing out in pain. Buddy came to the rescue, sniffing him all over frantically while i tried to calm him. off to the med vet we went, and 2 hours later with meds in hand came home with diagnosis-hip problem. I chose to take him to my vet for the x-rays as there is quite a difference in price and the med vet thought that would be fine. i’m to keep him quiet and not let him run or play for the next 7-10 days. he is on his pain meds twice a day( just like his brother Buddy) and now i have my hands completely full. Please dear God don’t let the cat get sick or injured. I’m not sure how this happened with Bailey as he was outside alone, but I’m guessing he jumped off the ramp.
Buddy is relieved that his brother is home and is happy to have someone to share med time with.
So that is my friday night in a nut shell, besides the worst part-which has nothing to do with us- while we were at the ER, a young couple came in crying hysterically with two week old puppy’s in hand that the deaf mom had laid on. The puppys had to be put down and after talking to the guy, i found out they had just been there 2 nights before with another puppy that also had to be put down. he said they had a litter of six and were now down to 3. Man my heart went out to them! There is always someone with a worse situation out there, helps me to keep things in perspective!!

3 Comments so far

Wow, ruff night indeed. But like you said, it could always be worse – another fine Tripawds mantra.

Best wishes for Bailey getting back on his feet.

   admin on 12.11.09 @ 9:53 pm    

Wow what a night! That is your worse nightmare to have problems with another pet at the same time as Buddy! Hope Bailey is ok. Maybe Bailey was jealous about all of Buddy’s special time and wanted some for himself 🙂 !We are thinking about all of you! Keep us posted!

   Peyton's Path on 12.12.09 @ 3:11 pm    

Oy vey, poor Bailey! We hope he feels better soon.

And yeah, it’s good to keep things in perspective, you have that down good.

   wyattraydawg on 12.14.09 @ 1:32 am    

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